Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
22 Mar, 2024 Approval of Resolution Plan - Uthara Fashion Knitwear Limited [IA(IBC)-1747-(CHE)-2023 in IBA-895-2019]   APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION PLAN
22 Mar, 2024 In the matter of State Bank of India vs. Anish Niranjan Nanavaty & Anr. [I.A. No. 478 of 2024 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 150 of 2024]   REJECTED
22 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Pinnacle Engines India Private Limited [CP(IB)-967-MB-2023]   DISSOLUTION-VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of C and M Farming Ltd. [C.P. (IB) 1031-MB-2021]   ADMITTED
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Apple Industries Ltd. [I.A. No. 5137-ND-2023 and I.A. No-3446-ND-2022 in Company Petition No. (IB)-204(ND)-2019]   LIQUIDATION AS GOING CONCNERN
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Mickey Mehta Health Beyond Fitness Private Limited [CP (IB) No. 1452-MB-VI-2019]   ADMITTED
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Chirag Pitte Vs State Bank Of India Through Manager & Anr. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 565 of 2024]   Stay Order
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Ansio Industries Pvt. Ltd. vs. Sri Venkat Ram Spinners Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. [IA No.290,291 & 292-2024 in Company Appeal (AT) (CH) (Insolvency) No.106-2024]   DISMISSED
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of CS Hospitality and Management Services Private Limited [C.P. No. 4482-IBC-MB-2019]   ADMITTED
21 Mar, 2024 In the matter of Ultra Tile Pvt. Ltd. [IA(IBC)-609(CHE)2024, IA(IBC)-44(CHE)2023, IA-558-2021 in IBA-1263-2019]   OTHERS