P. 23

Complaints and Grievances                               Table 28: Valuation Examinations
             The IBBI (Grievance and Complaint Handing Procedure) Regulations, 2017   Phase  Period  Number of Attempts (some   Number of Successful Attempts
             HQDEOH  D  VWDNHKROGHU  WR  ÀOH  D  JULHYDQFH  RU  D  FRPSODLQW  DJDLQVW  D  VHUYLFH   candidates made more than one   in Asset Class
                                                                                     attempt) in Asset Class
             provider. Beside this, grievance and complaints are received from the
                                                                                   Land &   Plant &   Securi-  Land &   Plant &   Securi-
             Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS),   Building  Machin-  ties or   Building  Machin-  ties or
             3ULPH 0LQLVWHU·V 2IÀFH  302   0LQLVWU\ RI &RUSRUDWH $IIDLUV  0&$   DQG       ery  Financial      ery  Financial
                                                                                                Assets             Assets
             other authorities. The receipt and disposal of grievances and complaints till
                                                                     First  Mar, 2018 -   9469  1665  4496  1748  324  707
             September 30, 2022 is presented in Table 26.                 Mar, 2019
                                                                     Second  Apr, 2019 -   3780  757  4795  380  95   656
             Table 26: Receipt and Disposal of Grievances and Complaints till   May, 2020
             September 30, 2022                          (Number)    Third  Jun, 2020 -   8370  2015  8377  620  139  781
                                                                          Jun, 2022
             Year /      Complaints and Grievances Received  Total
             Quarter                                                 Fourth  Jul, 2022 -   2487  504  1478  211  38   128
                      Under the   Through CP-  Through Other   Re-  Dis-  Under   Sep, 2022
                      Regulations  GRAM/PMO/  Modes  ceived   posed   Exam-
                                MCA/Other                   ination       Total     24106  4941  19146  2959   596   2272
                      Re-  Dis-  Re-  Dis-  Re-  Dis-
                     ceived  posed  ceived  posed  ceived   posed    Building Ecosystem
             2017 - 2018  18  0   6   0    22   2    46   2   44
                                                                     Committees and Groups
             2018 - 2019  111  51  333  290  713  380  1157  721  480
             2019 - 2020  153  177  239  227  1268  989  1660  1393  747  Advisory committee on Service Providers
             2020 - 2021  268  260  358  378  990  1364  1616  2002  361  The 9  meeting of the Advisory Committee on Service Providers was held
             2021 - 2022  276  279  574  570  611  784  1461  1633  189  on July 11, 2022 through e-mode. Mr. T. V. Mohandas Pai, Chairperson of
             Apr - Jun,   61  74  89  110  59  131  209  315  83     the Committee, chaired the meeting. The Committee discussed and made
                                                                     its recommendations on issues of remuneration of IPs, enabling entities to
             Jul - Sep,   62  50  84  58   75  49   221  157  147    EHFRPH ,3V DQG ÀQDQFLDO VHOI VXIÀFLHQF\ RI WKH ,%%,
             Total     949  891  1683  1633  3738  3699  6370  6223  147
                                                                     Advisory committee on Corporate Insolvency and Liquidation
                                                                     The 10 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Corporate Insolvency and
             Examinations                                            Liquidation was held on July 16, 2022 through e-mode. Mr. Uday Kotak
                                                                     chaired the meeting. The Committee deliberated on two discussion papers
             Limited Insolvency Examination
                                                                     namely: (a) Changes in the CIRP to reduce delays and improve the resolution
             The IBBI publishes the syllabus, format, etc. of the examination under   value; and (b) Streamlining the liquidation process.
             regulation 3(3) of the IBBI (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016.
             It reviews the same continuously to keep it relevant with respect to   Research Guidance Group
             dynamics of the market. It has successfully completed six phases of the   The 4  meeting of the Research Guidance Group (RGG) was held on July
             Limited Insolvency Examination. Sixth phase of the examination concluded   21, 2022 in hybrid mode under the chairmanship of Dr. K. P. Krishnan.
             on February 28, 2022 and seventh phase commenced on March 01, 2022.   7KH  JURXS  ZDV  EULHIHG  RQ  WKH  ÀUVW  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO  5HVHDUFK  &RQIHUHQFH
             It is a computer based online examination available on daily basis from   organised by the Board in collaboration with Indian Institute of Management,
             various locations across India. The details of the examination are given in   Ahmedabad (IIMA) from April 30, 2022 to May 1, 2022 at IIMA campus.
             Table 27.                                               The group further discussed on data dissemination guidelines, IBC-21 and
                                                                     webinars for researchers. The RGG members provided valuable suggestions
             Table 27: Limited Insolvency Examination                for organising research conferences in future.
                Phase      Period    Number of Attempts   Successful Attempts
                                     (some candidates made
                                     more than one attempt)
             First     Jan, 2017 - Jun, 2017  5329         1201
             Second    Jul, 2017 - Dec, 2017  6237         1112
             Third     Jan, 2018 - Oct, 2018  6344         1013
             Fourth    Nov, 2018 - Jun, 2019  3025          505
             Fifth     Jul, 2019 - Dec, 2020  5860         1016
             Sixth     Jan, 2021 - Feb, 2022  2741          474
                                                                                   4  meeting of RGG, July 21, 2022
                       Mar, 2022 - Jun, 2022   548          55
                       Jul, 2022 - Sep, 2022   555          65
             Total                           30639         5441
                                                                     During the quarter, the IBBI organised roundtables with stakeholders as
             Valuation Examinations                                  presented in Table 29:
             The IBBI, being the authority, under the Valuation Rules, commenced the   Table 29: Roundtables with stakeholders
             Valuation Examinations for asset classes of: (a) Land and Building, (b) Plant
                                                                     S. No.  Date  Particulars             In Association with
             and Machinery and (c) Securities or Financial Assets, on March 31, 2018.
             It reviews these examinations continuously to keep it relevant with the   1  04-08-2022  ,QWHUDFWLYH PHHWLQJ RI WKH RIÀFLDOV RI YDULRXV   Indian Banks’ Association
             changing times. The third phase of the examinations concluded on June 30,   Banks and IBA to discuss reg. proposed
                                                                                  amendments/reforms in the Code
             2022 and the fourth phase commenced from July 1, 2022. It is a computer
             based online examination available from several locations across India. The   2  10-08-2022  Roundtable with select IPs/IPEs as nominated   Three IPAs
                                                                                  by IPAs to discuss reg. proposed amendments/
             details of the examinations are given in Table 28.                   reforms in the Code

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