P. 24

IP Workshops
             The IBBI has been organising workshops for registered IPs with the aim
             to deliver specialised and deep level learning through a classroom, non-
             residential mode. It organised three Advanced Workshops during the
             quarter through online mode. The details of the workshops conducted till
             September 30, 2022, is given in Table 30.
             Table 30: Capacity Building Programmes for IPs till September 30,
               Year / Period  Basic   Advanced   Other   Webi-  Round-  Train-  Total
                        Work-  Workshops  Work-  nars  tables  ings
                         shops       shops
             2016 - 17     1      -     -     -    8     -    9
             2017 - 18     6      -     -     -    44    -   50
             2018 - 19     7      -     -     -    22    -   29
             2019 - 20     4      6     5    1     22    -   38
             2020 - 21     1      2     6    29    18    2   58
             2021 - 22     7      7     -    21    12    3   50
             Apr - Jun, 2022  -   -     -    1     4     -    5                th
                                                                             18  Advanced Workshop for IPs, September 27, 2022
             July - Sep, 2022  -  3     -    2     2     -    7
             Total        26     18    11    54   132    5   246
                                                                     CoC Workshops
                                                                     The Board in association with the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Indian
                                                                     Banks’ Association (IBA), organised two, one-day workshops, in hybrid
                                                                     mode, on the subject titled ‘Committee of Creditors: An Institution of
                                                                     Public Faith’ on July 21, 2022 and August 24, 2022 at Mumbai and Gurugram,
                                                                     respectively. These were the eleventh and twelfth such workshops, in the
                                                                     VHULHV RI HYHQWV RUJDQL]HG E\ ,%%,  IRU WKH EHQHÀW RI RIÀFHUV RI VFKHGXOHG
                                                                     FRPPHUFLDO  EDQNV  DQG  ÀQDQFLDO  LQVWLWXWLRQV  ZKR  UHSUHVHQW  )&V  RQ  WKH
                                                                     &R&  XQGHU WKH ,%&  2YHU RQH KXQGUHG VHQLRU RIÀFHUV  $VVLVWDQW *HQHUDO
                                                                     0DQDJHU DQG DERYH  UHSUHVHQWLQJ VFKHGXOHG FRPPHUFLDO EDQNV DQG ÀQDQFLDO
                                                                     institutions participated in each of the workshops.

                       16  Advanced Workshop for IPs, July 29, 2022

                                                                              One-day CoC workshop at Mumbai, July 21, 2022

                                                                     Advocacy and Awareness
                                                                     Essay Competition
                                                                     The IBBI, in its endeavor to create awareness about the insolvency and
                                                                     bankruptcy regime amongst the students of Institutes of higher learning,
                                                                     conducts essay competitions for the students. During the quarter, one such
                                                                     competition was concluded at the National Law University, New Delhi
                                                                     (NLU Delhi) on topic ‘Five years of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,
                                                                     2016: Chief issues and way forward’. The essay by Mr. Nipun Kalra was
                                                                     adjudged as the best essay and the essay jointly authored by Ms. Aditi Gupta
                      17  Advanced Workshop for IPs, August 23, 2022
                                                                     DQG 0U  8GD\ <DVKYLU 6LQJK ZDV DGMXGJHG DV WKH VHFRQG EHVW HVVD\ LQ WKH

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