P. 22

$Q LQGLYLGXDO KDYLQJ VSHFLÀHG TXDOLÀFDWLRQ DQG H[SHULHQFH QHHGV WR HQURO   Table 22: Registered Valuers (Entities) as on September 30, 2022
             with an RVO, complete the educational course conducted by the RVO, clear
                                                                     Registered Valuer Organisation  Number of   Asset Class
             the examination conducted by IBBI, before seeking registration with IBBI    Entities
                                                                                                 Land &   Plant &   Securities
             as an RV. There are currently 16 RVOs, Assessors and Registered Valuers             Building  Machinery  or Financial
             Foundation being the latest RVO recognised, as on September 30, 2022.                                Assets
             The IBBI meets MDs / CEOs of RVOs every month to discuss the issues    RVO Estate Managers and   5  4  3  4
                                                                     Appraisers Foundation
             arising from the valuation profession, to resolve queries of the RVOs and
                                                                     IOV Registered Valuers Foundation  23  20  17   20
             to guide them in discharge of their responsibilities. The details of individual
                                                                     ICSI Registered Valuers   4     0       0        4
             RVs, RVO-wise, as on September 30, 2022, are given in Table 21. A total of   Organisation
             4892 individuals have active registrations, three of them are registered for   IIV India Registered Valuers   1  1  1  0
             all three asset classes, 75 are registered for two asset classes and the balance   Foundation
             4814 are registered for one asset class. As on September 30, 2022, the   ICMAI Registered Valuers   13  7  7  13
             registration of two RVs have been cancelled and registration of 1 individual   Organisation
             and 1 entity is under suspension.                       ICAI Registered Valuers   14    0       0       14
                                                                     PVAI Valuation Professional   2  2      2        2
             Table 21: Registered Valuers as on September 30, 2022   Organisation
                                                                     CVSRTA Registered Valuers   1   1       1        0
              Sl.  Registered Valuer Organisation  No. of registration granted in each Asset Class  Association
                                      Land &   Plant &   Securities   Total  CEV Integral Appraisers   1  1  1        0
                                      Building  Machin-  or Financial   Foundation
                                              ery    Assets
                                                                     Divya Jyoti Foundation  2       1       1        2
              1  RVO Estate Managers and Appraisers   79  14  15  108  All India Institute of Valuers   1  1  1       1
              2  IOV Registered Valuers Foundation  1436  227  168  1831  International Business Valuers   6  5  4    4
              3  ICSI Registered Valuers Organisation  0  0  233  233
                                                                     Total                  73      43       38      64
              4  IIV India registered Valuers   166  46  54   266
                 Foundation                                          Note: The registration of 1 entity is under suspension.
              5  ICMAI Registered Valuers   38  29      298   365    Table 23: Registration of RVs till September 30, 2022
              6  ICAI Registered Valuers Organisation  NA  NA  973  973  Year / Quarter  Land &   Plant &   Securities or Financial   Total
                                                                                   Building  Machinery  Assets
              7  PVAI Valuation Professional   311  55  128   494
                 Organisation                                        2017 - 2018       0         0            0       0
                                                                     2018 - 2019      781       121          284    1186
              8  CVSRTA Registered Valuers   207  60    NA    267
                 Association                                         2019 - 2020      848       204          792    1844
              9  $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &HUWLÀHG 9DOXDWRUV   NA  NA  4  4    2020 - 2021      409       82           446     937
                 and Analysts                                        2021 - 2022      302       67           303     672
              10  CEV Integral Appraisers Foundation   131  38  3  172  Apr - Jun, 2022  48      6           52      106
              11  Divya Jyoti Foundation   79   19       56   154    Jul - Sep, 2022  100       21           110     231
                                                                     Total           2488       501         1987    4976
              12  Nandadeep Valuers Foundation  3  0     1     4
                                                                     Note: The registration of 2 RVs has since been cancelled and registration of 1 RV is under suspension.
              13  All India Institute of Valuers   8  3  17   28
              14  International Business Valuers   3  1  15   19     Table 24: Region wise RVs as on September 30, 2022
                                                                        City / Region  Land &   Plant & Ma-  Securities or   Total
             15  All India Valuers Association  2  0     0     2                     Building  chinery  Financial Assets
             16  Assessors and Registered Valuers   23  9  21  53    New Delhi           83        35        237     355
                                                                     Rest of Northern Region  401  81        351     833
                 Total                  2486    501    1986  4973    Mumbai              115       53        299     467
             1RWH  1$ VLJQLÀHV WKDW WKH 592 LV QRW UHFRJQLVHG IRU WKDW DVVHW FODVV   Rest of Western Region  709  137  332  1178
                                                                     Chennai             116       44        144     304
             RVs are permitted to form an entity (Partnership / Company) for rendering
                                                                     Rest of Southern Region  987  126       471    1584
             valuation services. There are 74 such entities registered as RVs as on
                                                                     Kolkata             32        18        114     164
             September 30, 2022, as presented in Table 22. 30 of them are registered
                                                                     Rest of Eastern Region  43    7         38      88
             for three asset classes, 12 are registered for two asset classes and 32 are
                                                                     Total              2486      501       1986    4973
             registered for one asset class. The registration of RVs till September 30,
             2022 is given in Table 23.
                                                                     Table 25: Age profile of RVs as on September 30, 2022
             As on September 30, 2022, 1289 RVs (constituting 26% of the total RVs
                                                                       Age Group   Land & Building  Plant &   Securities or   Total
             registered) are from metros, while 3684 RVs (constituting 74% of the total   (in years)  Machinery  Financial Assets
             RVs registered) are from non-metro locations. The region wise detail of RVs
                                                                     ”               129         3        101        233
             is given in Table 24.
                                                                     !    ”          471        76        755       1302
             The average age of RVs as on September 30, 2022 stood at 47 years across   !    ”     509  103  635    1247
             DVVHW  FODVVHV   ,W  ZDV      \HDUV  IRU  /DQG     %XLOGLQJ       \HDUV  IRU  3ODQW      !    ”     977  149  309  1435
             Machinery and 43 years for Securities or Financial Assets (Table 25). Of the   !    ”     353  115  173  641
             4973 RVs as on September 30, 2022, 490 RVs (constituting about 10% of   !    ”     42  52     12        106
             the total RVs) are females.                             > 80              5         3         1          9
                                                                     Total           2486       501      1986       4973
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