P. 18

Time For Conclusion of Process
             The average time taken for completion of various processes is presented in Table 9.

             Table 9: Average Time for Approval of Resolution Plans/Orders for Liquidation                    Time (In days)
             Sl.         Average time             As on March, 2021         As on March, 2022      April, 2022 to September, 2022
                                            No. of        Time         No. of       Time         No. of       Time
                                           Processes   Including   Excluding   Processes   Including   Excluding   Processes   Including   Excluding
                                            covered                   covered                   covered
                                                    excluded   excluded time   excluded   excluded       excluded   excluded
                                                     time                       time     time             time     time
             1  From ICD to approval of resolution plans by AA  353  464  406  496  535     450      57      785      679
             2  From ICD to order for Liquidation by AA  1287  352  NA    1628     414      NA      180      650      NA
             3  )URP /&' WR VXEPLVVLRQ RI ÀQDO UHSRUW XQGHU   267  424  NA  384    480      NA       45      715      NA
             4  )URP /&' WR VXEPLVVLRQ RI ÀQDO UHSRUW XQGHU   426  383  NA  669    427      NA      145      338      NA
                Voluntary Liquidation
             5  From LCD to order for dissolution under Liquidation  146  398  NA  235  518  NA      23      906      NA
             6  From LCD to order for dissolution under Voluntary   233  515  NA  333  586  NA       75      745      NA
             Corporate Liquidation Accounts                          Summary of Outcomes
             The Regulations require a Liquidator to deposit the amount of unclaimed   (a) The primary objective of the Code is rescuing lives of CDs in distress.
             dividends, if any, and undistributed proceeds, if any, in a liquidation process   The Code has rescued 2139 CDs (553 through resolution plans, 846 through
             along with any income earned thereon into the corporate liquidation   appeal or review or settlement and 740 through withdrawal) till September,
             account before he submits an application for dissolution of the corporate   2022. It has referred 1807 CDs for liquidation. The resolved CDs had assets
             person. It also provides a process for a stakeholder to seek withdrawal from   valued at ` 1.37 lakh crore, while the CDs referred for liquidation had assets
             the said account. Similar provisions exist for voluntary liquidation processes.   valued at ` 0.60 lakh crore when they were admitted to CIRP. Thus, in value
             The details of these accounts at the end of September, 2022 are presented   terms, around 70% of distressed assets were resolved. Of the CDs sent
             in Table 10.                                            IRU OLTXLGDWLRQ  WKUHH IRXUWK ZHUH HLWKHU VLFN RU GHIXQFW DQG RI WKH ÀUPV
                                                                     resolved, one-third were either sick or defunct.
             Table 10: Corporate Liquidation Accounts as on September, 2022  (b) The realisable value of the assets available with the 553 CDs rescued,
                                                      (Amount in ` lakh)  when they entered the CIRP, was only ` 1.37 lakh crore, though they owed
                Period  Opening Balance  Deposit during   Withdrawn   Balance at the   ` 7.91 lakh crore to creditors. The resolution plans realised  ` 2.43 lakh
                                    the period  during the   end of the period  crore, which is around178% of the liquidation value of these CDs. Any other
                                                                     option of recovery or liquidation would have recovered at best ` 100 minus
                              Corporate Liquidation Account
                                                                     the cost of recovery/liquidation, while the creditors recovered ` 178 under
             2019 - 20        0.00     476.26     0.21     476.05
                                                                     the Code. The excess recovery of ` 78 is a bonus from the Code. Though
             2020 - 21      476.05     116.18     0.00     592.23
                                                                     recovery is incidental under the Code, the FCs recovered 32.95% of their
             2021 - 22      592.23     25.93      4.84     613.32
                                                                     FODLPV  ZKLFK RQO\ UHÁHFWV WKH H[WHQW RI YDOXH HURVLRQ E\ WKH WLPH WKH &'V
             Apr - Jun, 2022  613.32    8.36      0.00     621.68
                                                                     entered CIRP, yet it is the highest among all options available to creditors for
             Jul - Sep, 2022  621.68   222.01     0.00     843.69
                                                                     recovery. Resolution plans on average are yielding 84.00% of fair value of the
                           Corporate Voluntary Liquidation Account
                                                                     CDs. These realisations are exclusive of realisations that would arise from
             2019 - 20        0.00     109.70     0.00     109.70
                                                                     value of equity holdings post-resolution, resolution of PGs to CDs, and from
             2020 - 21      109.70     112.06     0.00     221.76
                                                                     disposal of applications for avoidance transactions.
             2021 - 22      221.76     127.94     0.03     349.67
             Apr - Jun, 2022  349.67    2.02      10.42    341.27    (c) The 1807 CDs ending up with orders for liquidation had an aggregate
             Jul - Sep, 2022  341.27    3.79      0.00     345.06    claim of  ` 8.28 lakh crore. However, they had assets, on the ground,
                                                                     valued only at ` 0.60 lakh crore. Till September, 2022, 429 CDs have been
             Pre-Packaged Insolvency Resolution Process              completely liquidated. Many of these CDs did not have any job or asset
                                                                     when they entered the IBC process. These included the likes of Ghotaringa
             The Central Government enacted the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
             (Amendment) Act, 2021 on August 11, 2021 which was deemed to have   Minerals Limited and Orchid Healthcare Private Limited, which owed
                                                                     ` 8,163 crore, while they had absolutely no assets and employment. These
             come into force on April 4, 2021 introducing the Pre-packaged Insolvency
             Resolution Process (PPIRP) for corporate MSMEs. On April 9, 2021, the   429 CDs together had outstanding claims of  ` 84,024.74 crore, but the
             &HQWUDO *RYHUQPHQW QRWLÀHG WKH ,QVROYHQF\ DQG %DQNUXSWF\  3UH SDFNDJHG   assets valued at ` 3,574.61 crore. ` 3,306.24 crore were realised through
             Insolvency Resolution Process) Rules, 2021 prescribing the manner and form   liquidation of these companies.
             RI PDNLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ WR LQLWLDWH 33,53 DQG WKH ,%%, QRWLÀHG WKH ,%%,  3UH   (d) A distressed asset has a life cycle. Its value gradually declines with time
             packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021. The Regulations   if distress is not addressed. The credible threat of the Code, that a CD may
             provide for manner of carrying out certain processes and tasks under PPIRP.   change hands, has changed the behaviour of debtors. Thousands of debtors
             As per the information available with the Board, two applications have been   are resolving distress in early stages of distress. They are resolving when
             admitted as on September 30, 2022. The details are in Table 11.  GHIDXOW LV LPPLQHQW  RQ UHFHLSW RI D QRWLFH IRU UHSD\PHQW EXW EHIRUH ÀOLQJ DQ
                                                                     DSSOLFDWLRQ  DIWHU ÀOLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ EXW EHIRUH LWV DGPLVVLRQ  DQG HYHQ DIWHU
             Table 11: List of cases admitted for PPIRP as on September 30, 2022   admission of the application, and making best effort to avoid consequences
                                                                     of resolution process. Most companies are rescued at these stages. Till
              Sl.  Name of the CD    Date of admission  Name of the NCLT Bench
                                                                     September, 2022, 23417 applications for initiation of CIRPs of CDs having
              1  *&&/ ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH   3URMHFWV /WG   14-09-21  Ahmedabad
                                                                     underlying default of  ` 7,31,472.77 crore were resolved before their
              2  Loonland Developers Pvt. Ltd.  29-11-21  Principal Bench, New Delhi
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