P. 21

Insolvency Professional Agencies                        Table 20: CPE Hours earned by the IPs
             IPAs are front-line regulators and responsible for developing and regulating   Period  Number of CPE Hours earned by members of
             the insolvency profession. They discharge three kinds of functions, namely,   IIIPI  ICSI IIP  IPA ICAI  Total
             quasi-legislative, executive, and quasi-judicial. The quasi-legislative functions   2019 - 20  1160  695  320  2175
             cover laying down standards and code of conduct through byelaws, which   2020 - 21  18465  8746  4647   31858
             are binding on all members. The executive functions include monitoring,   2021 - 22  14123  7890  3872  25885
             inspection, and investigation of professional members on a regular basis,   Apr - Jun, 2022  1651  2205  820  4676
             addressing grievances of aggrieved parties, gathering information about   Jul - Sep, 2022  1338  947  818  3103
             their performance, etc., with the overarching objective of promoting best   Total  36737  20483  10477  67697
             practices and conduct by IPs. The quasi-judicial functions include dealing   Average CPE hours
             with complaints against members and taking suitable disciplinary actions.   per registered IP  13.96  17.81  26.59  16.21
             As on September 30, 2022, there are three IPAs registered in accordance
             with the Code and Regulations. The IBBI interacts with the Managing   Information Utility
             Directors (MDs) of the IPAs and the IU every month, to obtain feedback on   There is one IU, namely, the National E-Governance Services Limited
             areas of concern for the profession of IPs and discuss the resolutions and the    1H6/  WKDW SURYLGHV DXWKHQWLFDWHG ÀQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ WR WKH XVHUV  7KH
             way forward. Table 19 presents the details of activities by the IPAs. Table 20   ,%%, LQWHUDFWV ZLWK WKH 0'   &(2 RI WKH ,8 DORQJ ZLWK WKH 0'V RI ,3$V
             gives details of number of CPE hours earned by IPs.     every month to discuss the issues relating to receipt and authentication of
                                                                     ÀQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ  'XULQJ LQWHUDFWLRQ LQ WKLV TXDUWHU  ,3$V ZHUH UHTXHVWHG
             Table 19: Activities by IPAs                            to encourage their members to make use of the information stored with the
                Period                  Number of                    ,8 IRU YHULÀFDWLRQ RI FODLPV GXULQJ &,53  )LJXUH    SURYLGHV GHWDLOV RI WKH
                        Pre-reg-  CPE Pro-  Training   Other   Disci-  Com-  registered users and information with NeSL, as submitted by it.
                        istration   grammes  Workshops  Workshops/   plinary   plaints
                        courses   conducted  for IPs  Webinars/   Orders   (Forward-
                       conducted             Round-  Issued  ed by IBBI)   Registered Valuer Organisations
                                              tables/     Disposed
                                             Seminars                The Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 (Valuation
             2018 - 19     16       -     7     100     4     11     Rules) made under section 247 of the Companies Act, 2013 provide a
             2019 - 20     11     30      9     157     9    127     XQLÀHG LQVWLWXWLRQDO IUDPHZRUN IRU GHYHORSPHQW DQG UHJXODWLRQ RI YDOXDWLRQ
             2020 - 21     14     193    66     102    42    102
                                                                     profession. Its remit is limited to valuations required under the Companies
             2021 - 22     13     133    56      81    23     12
                                                                     Act, 2013 and the Code. The IBBI performs the functions of the Authority
             Apr - Jun, 2022  02  44     30      60    80      -
                                                                     under the Valuation Rules. It recognises RVOs and registers RVs and
             Jul - Sep, 2022  02  40     22      29   NIL     16
                                                                     exercises regulatory oversight over them, while RVOs serve as front-line
             Total         58    440    190     529   158    268
                                                                     regulators for the valuation profession.


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