P. 25

Other Programmes
             The IBBI in association with various stakeholders, organised advocacy and awareness programmes as presented in Table 31.

             Table 31: Advocacy and Awareness Programmes, July - September 30, 2022
              S. No.      Date                    Particulars                       Topic                In Association With
                1       06-07-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Vinay Goel, MD CEO,   Valuation under IBC - Land and Building; Plant and   IGNOU
                                   IOVRVF                              0DFKLQHU\  DQG 6HFXULWLHV   )LQDQFLDO $VVHWV
                2       06-07-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Mayank Mehta, AGM, IBBI   Grievance Redressal Mechanisms of the IBBI  IGNOU
                                   and Ms. Medha Shekar, Manager, IBBI
                3       08-07-2022  Interactive Meeting of IPs at ICAI, BKC, Mumbai  Recent Developments in IBC and IBBI's Discussion Papers  ICAI
                4       20-07-2022  2ULHQWDWLRQ SURJUDPPH IRU RIÀFHUV RI *67  &RPPHUFLDO 7D[ DQG 0LQHV  IBC, 2016  -
                                   Department of Odisha Government
                5       20-07-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Debajyoti Ray Chaudhuri,   Information Utility: A key pillar of IBC ecosystem  IGNOU
                                   MD, NeSL
                6       20-07-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Vinod Kumar Kothari, IP  Liquidation: Liquidator's Role, functions and distributive   IGNOU
                                                                       justice under section 53
                7   23-07-2022 to 24-07-2022  &HUWLÀFDWH &RXUVH RQ /DZ DQG 3UDFWLFH RI ,QVROYHQF\ DQG %DQNUXSWF\   IBC, 2016  NLU Delhi
                8       29-07-2022  International Valuation Conference   Curating Future Ready Registered Valuers  ICMAI RVO
                9       29-07-2022  Workshop on Valuation              Emerging Valuation Ecosystem- A way forward  IOV RVF
               10       03-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Om Prakash, Manager, IBBI Sale as Going Concern during Liquidation under the Code  IGNOU
               11       03-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Raghav Maheshwari,   IBC: Introduction to Frontier Areas  IGNOU
                                   Manager, IBBI
               12       17-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Vikram Bajaj, IP  Liability for prior offences under Section 32A of the IBC  IGNOU
               14       17-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Deepak Rao, GM, IBBI and  Role of State Agencies under IBC  IGNOU
                                   Mr. Deeptanshu Singh, Manager, IBBI
               15       31-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Ritesh Kavdia, ED, IBBI and  Overview of Individual Insolvency including Fresh Start   IGNOU
                                   Ms. Pooja Singla, Manager, IBBI     Process
               16       31-08-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Sushanta Kumar Das,   Individual Insolvency Resolution Process and Bankruptcy   IGNOU
                                   DGM, IBBI and Mr. Abhishek Mittapally, Manager, IBBI  Process for PGs to CDs
               17       14-09-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta,   Development of Profession of IPs  IGNOU
                                   CGM, IBBI and Ms. Namisha Singh, Manager, IBBI
               18       14-09-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Rajesh Tiwari, GM, IBBI   Group Insolvency  IGNOU
                                   and Mr. Aniket Sharma, Manager, IBBI
               19       16-09-2022  Webinar on Valuation               Valuation: Perspectives and Prospects  ICMAI RVO
               20       17-09-2022  One Day Conclave at Kochi          ,%&  9DOXDWLRQ   )RUHQVLF $XGLW  ,&6,  ,&$,   ,&0$, .RFKL &KDSWHU
               21       17-09-2022  Webinar on Valuation               Valuation of Intangible Assets      AARVF RVO
               22       22-09-2022  Webinar for Bankers                Recent Developments in Regulatory Framework under   IBA
                                                                       the Code
               23       23-09-2022  7UDLQLQJ 3URJUDPPH IRU 2IÀFHUV RI .DUQDWDND 6WDWH )LQDQFH   IBC, 2016     -
                                   Corporation at Bengaluru
               24       26-09-2022  Webinar for IPs                    Recent Amendments in IBBI Regulations  ICSI IIP
               25       28-09-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel by Mr. Rahul Khanna, AGM, IBBI;   Use of Technology in IBC Ecosystem  IGNOU
                                   and Mr. Pankaj Dhapodkar, Manager, IBBI
               26       28-09-2022  Session on Gyandarshan TV Channel on topic by Dr. Risham Garg,   IBC and Corporate Governance  IGNOU
                                   Associate Professor, NLU Delhi
               27       29-09-2022  Webinar for IPs                    Recent Developments in Regulatory Framework under   IIIPI
                                                                       the Code

                  Orientation programme for officers of GST, Commercial Tax and Mines   Conclave on IBC, Valuation & Forensic Audit at
                        Department of Odisha Government, July 20, 2022                Kochi, September 17, 2022


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