P. 20

Of the 4205 IPs registered till date, registrations of 7 IPs have been cancelled   The Regulations provide that an IP shall be eligible to obtain an AFA if he has
             through disciplinary action, and registrations of 2 IPs have been cancelled   QRW DWWDLQHG WKH DJH RI    \HDUV  7DEOH    SUHVHQWV WKH DJH SURÀOH RI WKH ,3V
             RQ IDLOLQJ WR IXOÀO WKH UHTXLUHPHQW RI ÀW DQG SURSHU SHUVRQ VWDWXV  $V SHU   registered as on September 30, 2022.
             information available, 21 IPs have passed away. The registrations and
             cancellations of registrations IPs, quarter wise, till September 30, 2022 are   Table 17: Age Profile of IPs as on September 30, 2022
             presented in Table 15.
                                                                     Age Group     Registered IPs       IPs having AFAs#
                                                                      (in years)  IIIPI  ICSI IIP  IPA   Total  IIIPI  ICSI IIP  IPA   Total
             Table 15: Registration and Cancellation of Registration of IPs             ICAI                   ICAI
                                                                     ”          12    7    0    19    5     2    0     7
                Year / Quarter  Regis-  Regis-  Cancelled during the period on   Regis-
                            tered   tered     account of   tered at   ”        255   68    20   343  160   44    11   215
                            at the   during                the end
                            begin-  the   Disci-  Failing to   Death  of the   !    ”     949  387  53  1389  587  258  31  876
                            ning   period  plinary   fulfil the   period  !    ”     774  324  97  1195  471  209  64  744
                            of the      Process  continuing
                            period             require-              !    ”     593  320  203  1116  340   198  137   675
                                               ment of               !    ”     45   38    18   101  NA    NA   NA    NA
                                               ‘fit and
                                               proper                !    ”     2     6    3    11   NA    NA   NA    NA
                                               status                >  90      1     0    0     1   NA    NA   NA    NA
                                                                     Total    2631  1150  394  4175  1563  711  243  2517
             2016 - 17 (Nov - Dec) #   0  977  0   0     0    977
                                                                     # Excluding 610 AFAs which are expired / not renewed.
             2016 - 17 (Jan - Mar)  0  96   0      0     0    96     NA: Not Applicable.
             2017 – 18         96   1716    0      0     0   1812
                                                                     Replacement of IRP with RP
             2018 – 19       1812   648     4      0     0   2456
                                                                     6HFWLRQ       RI WKH &RGH SURYLGHV WKDW WKH &R& PD\  LQ LWV ÀUVW PHHWLQJ  E\
             2019 – 20       2456   554     0      1     5   3004
                                                                     a majority vote of not less than 66% of the voting share of the FCs, either
             2020 – 21       3004   506     0      1     5   3504
                                                                     resolve to appoint the IRP as the RP or to replace the IRP by another IP to
             2021 – 22       3504   549     1      0     8   4044    function as the RP. Under section 22(4) of the Code, the AA shall forward the
                                                                     name of the RP, proposed by the CoC, under section 22(3)(b) of the Code,
             Apr - Jun, 2022  4044   56     2      0     2   4096
                                                                     WR  ,%%,  IRU  LWV  FRQÀUPDWLRQ  DQG  VKDOO  PDNH  VXFK  DSSRLQWPHQW  DIWHU  VXFK
             Jul - Sep, 2022  4096   80     0      0     1   4175
                                                                     FRQÀUPDWLRQ  +RZHYHU  WR VDYH WLPH LQ VXFK UHIHUHQFH  D GDWDEDVH RI DOO WKH
             Total            NA   4205     7      2    21   4175    IPs registered with the IBBI has been shared with the AA, disclosing whether
             # Registration with validity of six months. These registrations expired by June 30, 2017.  any disciplinary proceeding is pending against any of them and the status of
                                                                     their AFAs. While the database is currently being used by various Benches
             An individual with 10 years of experience as a member of the ICAI, ICSI,   of the AA, in a few cases, the IBBI receives references from the AA and
             ,&0$,  RU  D  %DU  &RXQFLO  RU      \HDUV  RI  H[SHULHQFH  LQ  WKH  ÀHOG  RI  ODZ    promptly responds to it. Till September 30, 2022, as per updates available,
             after receiving a Bachelor’s degree in law or 10 years of experience in   a total of 1259 IRPs have been replaced with RPs. It is observed that IRPs in
             management, after receiving a Master’s degree in Management or two year   about 40% of CIRPs initiated by CD are replaced by RPs, in 32% of CIRPs
             full time Post Graduate Diploma in Management or 15 years of experience   initiated by OCs and in 21% of CIRPs initiated by FCs, as shown in Figure 19.
             in management, after receiving a Bachelor’s degree is eligible for registration
             as an IP on passing the Limited Insolvency Examination.
             for those aspiring to take up the profession of IP as a career without having to
             22) have successfully completed the course. The third batch (2021-23) has
             proceeded with internships while the fourth batch (2022-24) commenced
             classes from July 1, 2022. In respect of National Law Institute University,
             September 30, 2022.
             Table 16 presents distribution of IPs as per their eligibility (an IP may be a   Insolvency Professional Entities
             member of more than one Institute) as on September 30, 2022. Of the 4175
             IPs as on September 30, 2022, 408 IPs (constituting about nine per cent of   During the quarter under review, two IPEs were recognised, and one
             the total registered IPs) are female.                  IPE was derecognised. As on September 30, 2022, there were 96 IPEs
                                                                    (Table 18).
             Table 16: Distribution of IPs as per their Eligibility as on September
             30, 2022                                               Table 18: IPEs as on September 30, 2022
                                                                                                  No. of IPEs
                 Eligibility              No. of IPs                     Quarter
                                                                                     Recognised  Derecognised  At the end of the Period
                               Male        Female       Total        2016 - 17 (Jan – Mar)  3         0              3
             Member of ICAI       2106         206         2312      2017 - 18             73         1              75
             Member of ICSI       580          125          705      2018 - 19             13         40             48
                                                                     2019 - 20             23         2              69
             Member of ICMAI      184           19          203
                                                                     2020 - 21             14         0              83
             Member of Bar Council  227         31          258
                                                                     2021 - 22             10         2              91
             Managerial Experience  648         26          674
                                                                     Apr - Jun, 2022       4          0              95
             *,3 4XDOLÀHG          22           1            23      Jul - Sep, 2022       2          1              96
             Total               3767          408         4175      Total                142         46            96

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