P. 19

admission. Only a few companies, who fail to address the distress in any of   Table 13: Status of filed applications for initiation of Insolvency
             earlier stages, pass through the entire resolution process. At this stage, the   Resolution Process of PGs to CDs  (Number)
             value of the company is substantially eroded, and hence some of them are
                                                                        Period  No. of   Before appoint-  No. of   After appointment   No. of
             rescued, and others liquidated. The recovery may be low at this stage, but   appli-  ment of RP  cases   of RP  cases
             recovery in early stages of distress is much higher, and it is primarily because   cations   No. of   No. of   where   No. of   No. of   Admit-
                                                                                filed            RPs have           ted
             of the Code.                                                             Appli-  Applica-  Appli-  Applica-
                                                                                     cations   tions dis-  been   cations   tions dis-
             (e) The Code endeavours to close the various processes at the earliest. It   with-  missed/   appoint-  with-  missed/
             prescribes timelines for some of them. The 553 CIRPs, which have yielded   drawn  rejected  drawn  rejected
             resolution plans by the end of September, 2022 took on average 473 days   2019 - 20  23  0  0  2  0  0    0
             (after excluding the time excluded by the AA) for conclusion of process.   2020 - 21  240  6  1  34  2  1  9
             Similarly, the 1807 CIRPs, which ended up in orders for liquidation, took on   2021 - 22  865  14  10  330  0  6  24
             average 437 days for conclusion. Further, 429 liquidation processes, which   Apr - Jun, 2022  149  3  14  134  2  4  65
             KDYH FORVHG E\ VXEPLVVLRQ RI ÀQDO UHSRUWV WRRN RQ DYHUDJH     GD\V IRU   Jul - Sep, 2022  126  0  5  97  3  0  25
             closure. Similarly, 814 voluntary liquidation processes, which have closed by   Total  1403  23  30  597  7  11  123
             (f) Till September, 2022, a total of 553 CIRPs have yielded resolution plans.   Bankruptcy Process
             The cost details are available in respect of 529 CIRPs. The cost works out on   On failure of the insolvency resolution process, an application for initiation
             average 1.12% of liquidation value and 0.61% of realisable value.
                                                                     RI WKH EDQNUXSWF\ SURFHVV FDQ EH ÀOHG HLWKHU E\ WKH 3* RU E\ FUHGLWRU V
             Individual Processes                                    within three months from the date of the order passed by the AA in three
                                                                     scenarios- (a) rejection of an application for initiation of insolvency process;
                                                                     (b) rejection of the repayment plan; or (c) premature closure of repayment
             Insolvency Resolution Process
             The provisions relating to insolvency resolution and bankruptcy relating to   $V  SHU  WKH  LQIRUPDWLRQ  DYDLODEOH  ZLWK  WKH  %RDUG   WKH  ÀUVW  DSSOLFDWLRQ  IRU
             PGs to CDs came into force on December 1, 2019. As per the information
                                                                     initiation of the bankruptcy process of a PG namely Mr. Rohit Nath has been
             received from the applicants, IPs, and data collected from various benches of   ÀOHG EHIRUH '57 &KHQQDL
             NCLT and Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT), 1403 applications have since been
             ÀOHG DV RI 6HSWHPEHU           2XW RI WKHP      DSSOLFDWLRQV KDYH EHHQ   Service Providers
                DQG    RI WKH &RGH  UHVSHFWLYHO\  $PRQJ WKHP    KDYH EHHQ ÀOHG EHIRUH   Insolvency Professionals
             of NCLT (Table 12).                                     An individual, who is enrolled with an IPA as a professional member and has
                                                                     WKH UHTXLUHG TXDOLÀFDWLRQ DQG H[SHULHQFH DQG SDVVHG WKH /LPLWHG ,QVROYHQF\
             Table 12: Insolvency Resolution of Personal Guarantors  Examination, is registered as an IP. An IP needs an AFA to take up an
                                                                     assignment under the Code with effect from January 1, 2020.
                                                     (Amount in ` crore)
                                                                     The IBBI made available an online facility from November 16, 2019 to enable
               Period      Applications filed by  Total  Adjudicating
                                                          Authority  an IP to make an application for issuance / renewal of AFA to the concerned
                     Debtors (u/s 94)  Creditors (u/s 95)            IPA. Thereafter, an IPA processes such applications electronically. The details
                      No.  Debt   Num-  Debt   No.  Debt   NCLT  DRT  of IPs registered as on September 30, 2022 and AFAs held by them, IPA-
                          Amount  ber  Amount     Amount             wise, is presented in Table 14.
             2019 - 20  3  49.66   20  3256.87  23  3306.53  22  1
                                                                     Table 14: Registered IPs and AFAs as on September 30, 2022
             2020 - 21  20  2485.94  220  36760.35  240  39246.29  234  6
             2021 - 22  82  3039.20  783  59717.90  865  62757.10  854  11  City / Region  Registered IPs  IPs having AFAs
             Apr - Jun,   15  698.73  134  5721.66  149  6420.39  149  0         IIIPI  ICSI   IPA   Total  IIIPI  ICSI   IPA   Total
             2022                                                                     IIP  ICAI            IIP  ICAI
             Jul - Sep,   16  942.82  110  12165.91  126  13108.73  126  0  New Delhi  474  278  91  843  282  183  59  524
                                                                     Rest of Northern   499  211  73  783  283  129  39  451
             Total    136  7216.35  1267  117622.69  1403  124839.04  1385  18  Region
             Notes: The data are provisional. These are getting revised on continuous basis as further information   Mumbai  417  150  41  608  239  84  25  348
             is received.
                                                                     Rest of Western   353  127  48  528  230  88  23  341
             Debt data not available in 267 cases                    Region
                                                                     Chennai      152   88   20  260   89   51   14   154
             Of the 1403 applications, 53 applications have been withdrawn / rejected
             / dismissed before the appointment of RP and RPs have been appointed in   Rest of Southern   428  226  86  740  247  138  61  446
             597 cases. After the appointment of RP, 18 cases have been withdrawn /
             rejected / dismissed and 123 cases have been admitted. The details are given   Kolkata  229  42  24  295  149  22  14  185
             in Table 13.                                            Rest of Eastern   79  28  11  118  44  16    8   68
                                                                     Total Registered  2631  1150  394  4175  1563  711  243  2517


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