Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
31 May, 2024 In the matter of Ms. J Karthiga   Order of Disciplinary Committee
31 May, 2024 In the matter of SS Natural Resources Pvt. Ltd. vs. CFM Asset Reconstruction Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. [Contempt Case (AT) No.10 of 2024 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.960 of 2023]   DISMISSED
31 May, 2024 In the matter of Jayesh Dani vs. SREI Equipment Finance Ltd. & Ors. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 161 of 2024]   DISMISSED
31 May, 2024 In the matter of Mata Energy Limited [IA (IBC) 05-2024 in CP (IB) No. 103-7-HDB-2020]   LIQUIDATION
30 May, 2024 In the matter of State Bank of India vs. Cable Corporation of India Ltd. [I.A. No. 3944, 3956 of 2024 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 1174 of 2023]   DISPOSED OF
30 May, 2024 In the matter of Sanjay Kumar vs. Gannon Dunkerley & Co. Ltd. & Ors. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.1210 of 2023]   ALLOWED
30 May, 2024 In the matter of Worlds Window Estate Private Limited [CP (IB) No. 427/ND/2023]   Admission - Final order |
30 May, 2024 Approval of Resolution plan- UM Green Lighting Private Limited [I.A.–5974-2023 in C.P.(IB) – 2581(ND)-2019]   Approval of Resolution plan order |
30 May, 2024 In the matter of Peanence Commercial Private Limited & Ors. vs. Mamta Binani, [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 905 of 2024]   DISMISSED
30 May, 2024 In the matter of Eagle Fashions Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. vs. Sumeet Industries Ltd. & Ors. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 838 & 922 of 2024]   ALLOWED