Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
24 Jul, 2024 In the matter of State Bank of India vs. Mamta Apparao, [CP (IB) No. 101/MB/2021]   ADMISSION OF APPLICATION IN PG CASE
24 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Inkel Limited vs. Shaji Mathew & Ors., [TA (AT) No. 258-2021 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.83-2021]   DISMISSED
24 Jul, 2024 In the matter of C. Sivasami vs. A.R. Ramasubramania Raja & Ors. [IA No. 651-2024 in Company Appeal (AT) (CH) (Insolvency) No.246-2024]   DISPOSED OF
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of BRS Ventures Investments Ltd. vs. SREI Infrastructure Finance Ltd. & Anr. [Civil Appeal No. 4565 of 2021]   Dismissed
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Ashok Kumar Sarawagi vs. Enforcement Directorate & Anr. [Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (C) No(s). 26459-2023]   Others
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Shree Ambika Impex Limited [CP(IB)/68(ND)2022]   Admission - Final order |
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Mr. S. Diraviam, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Sky High Technobuild Private Limited [I.A. No. 595 & 1097 of 2024 in CP (IB) No. 607-(PB)-2023]   Observation (Dismissed)
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Laxmi Engineering Industries (bhopal) Private Limited [IA/331(MP)2024 IN C.P.(IB)/8(MP)2022]   Closure-12A / appeal/ review or settlement |
23 Jul, 2024 In the matter of Trn Energy Private Limited [IB-322/ND/2021, RA/71/2024]   Others