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Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
17 Jul, 2018 In the matter of Sanjay Singal Vs. Union of India & Ors. Writ Petiton(s) (Civil) No(s). 822-2018  
13 Jul, 2018 In the matter of Haravtar Singh Arora Vs Navneeta Gupta & Ors. Civil Appeal No. 5941-2018  
06 Jul, 2018 In the matter of Srimaa Import and Export Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Azzura Marina Liners Pvt. Ltd. Civil Appeal No. 6173-2018  
03 Jul, 2018 In the matter of Ashoke Kumar Pan Vs. Mithan Ceramic Ltd. & Anr. (CD - Fives Stein India Project Pvt. Ltd.) Diary No. 19031-2018  
02 Jul, 2018 In the matter of Rajputana Properties Private Limited Vs Ultratech Cement Limited & Ors Civil Appeal Nos. 5789-5790-2018  
17 May, 2018 In the matter of Anand Parasrampuria Vs. J. J. Plastalloy Pvt. Ltd. Civil Appeal No. 5639-2018  
17 May, 2018 In the matter of Bikram Chatterji & Ors. Vs. Union of India & Ors. Writ Petiton (C) No. 940-2017 & Connected Matters  
16 May, 2018 In the matter of Chitra Sharma & Ors Vs Union of India & Ors W P (Civil) No.744-2017  
16 May, 2018 In the matter of RT Network Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Projects India Enterprise Civil Appeal No. 5256-2018  
14 May, 2018 In the matter of BLS-E Serivces Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Topsgroup Services Pvt. Ltd. Civil Appeal No.5178 OF 2018 and other petitions  

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