Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Anuj Sharma vs. Rustagi Projects Pvt. Ltd. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.550 of 2023]   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of SMS Foundation & Investment LLP vs. Harsha Exito Engineering Private Limited Company Appeal (AT) (CH) (Ins) No. 364-2022   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. vs. Anuj Jain, RP of Ballarpur Industries Ltd. & Ors. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.517 & 518 of 2023]   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of SP Propbuild LLP vs. Rabindra Kumar Mintri, Resolution Professional of Today Homes Noida Pvt. Ltd. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.1529 of 2022   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Manesh Agarwal vs. Pramod Kumar Sharma & Ors. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 621 & 622 of 2023   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Sunil Chauhan vs. Rabindra Kumar Mintri, Resolution Professional of Today Homes Noida Pvt. Ltd. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.407 of 2023   Disposed Of
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Pradeep Kumar Kabra vs. Assistant Commissioner Interlocutory Application No.1357 of 2023 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 409 of 2023   Set Aside
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Vipin Sharma vs. Kaliber Associates Private Limited Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 113 of 2023   Dismissed
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Jasamrit Designers Private Limited vs. Gian Chand Narang, Liquidator of Apex Buildsys Limited Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 258 of 2023   Disposed Of
04 Jul, 2023 In the matter of Tejinder Pal Setia vs. Kone Elevator India Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. I.A. No. 1122, 1124 & 1167 of 2023 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 262 of 2023   Dismissed

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