Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Kishan Lal Sharma Vs. Vikram Bajaj CA(AT)(Insolvency) 777-2019   Allowed
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of SREI Infrastructure Finance Ltd. Vs. Sundresh Bhatt, RP Sterling Biotech Ltd. CA(AT)(Insolvency) NO. 781-2019   Eviction Not Allowed
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Tanya Bhatnagar Vs. Mohamed Hesham Amin Basha Mashaal & Anr. CA(AT)(Insolvency) No. 149-2019   Observation
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Kautilya Industries Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Parasrampuriya Synthetic Ltd. & Anr. CA(AT)(Insolvency) No. 282-2019   Section 230
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Sunil Kumar Aggarwal Vs. New Okhla Industrial Development Authority & Ors. CA(AT)(Insolvency) No. 775-2019   Claim
31 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Sunil Kumar Aggarwal vs. New Okhla Industrial Development Authority & Ors. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 775 of 2019   Disposed Of
30 Jul, 2019 In the matter of IDBI Bank Ltd Vs Mr. Anuj Jain IRP Jaypee Infratech Ltd. & Anr CA (AT) (Ins) No. 536-2019 with IA No. 1857-2019   Others
30 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Venus Cotsyn (India) Ltd. Vs. G.L Jain Button Store Pvt Ltd. CA(AT)(Insolvency) No. 112-2019   Others
30 Jul, 2019 In the matter of Kuber Enterprises Vs. Gammon India Ltd. CA(AT)(Insovlency) 768-2019   Others
30 Jul, 2019 In the matter of IDBI Bank Limited &Ors. Vs Mr. Anuj Jain, Interim Resolution Professional Jaypee Infratech Limited CA(AT)(Insolvency) 536 & 708-2019   Others

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