Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Writers and Publishers Pvt. Ltd Vs. M/s Oriental Coal Corporation & Anr. ,Company Appeal (AT) (Ins.) No. 1170 of 2022   Dismissed
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Bhagwati Power and Steel Ltd. vs. Central Coalfields Ltd. & Anr.,Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 797 of 2022   Others
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Rajesh Kumar & Ors. vs. Rabindra Kumar Mintri & Anr.,Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.1489 of 2022   Others
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Dr. K.V. Srinivas RP Sainath Estates Pvt. Ltd.,Company Appeal (AT)(CH)(Ins)No. 319 of 2022   Others
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Divya Arora vs. Puma Realtors & Ors. ,Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 1330 of 2022   Others
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Sunil Inderlal Sharma vs. Arora Iron & Steel Rolling Mills Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. Comp. App. (AT) (Ins.) No. 1306 of 2022   Set Aside
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Susheel Jain vs. Jyoti Strips Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.1505 of 2022   Set Aside
15 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Susheel Jain vs. Jyoti Strips Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.1505 of 2022   Disposed Of
14 Dec, 2022 In the matter of Mathuraprasad C Pandey & Ors. vs. RP of M.V. Omni Projects (India) Ltd., Company Appeal (AT)(Ins) No.201-2021   Others
13 Dec, 2022 In the matter of V Venkata Satyanarayana, vs. Pattabi Enterprise & Ors. IA Nos.1058 & 1059-2022 in Company Appeal (AT)(CH)(Ins) No.427-2022   Dismissed

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