Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
06 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Hafiz Ali Ullatt vs. Translumina Therapeutics LLP & Anr. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 67 of 2023   Allowed
03 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Neha Khanna & Ors. vs. Tybros Infratech Pvt. Ltd. Company Appeal (AT)(Insolvency) No. 762 of 2021   Dismissed
02 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Siddharth Asar, Suspended Director of Shobha Asars Pvt. Ltd. vs. Ashit Patel and Keyur Shah, Partners of Winkey & Anr. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 230 of 2023]   Set Aside
02 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Vistra ITCL (India) Ltd. vs. Torrent Investments Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 132,133,134 & 139 of 2023   Allowed
01 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Suspended Management of Apex Meadows Private Limited vs. Baisetty Ajay Kumar& Ors. IA No.367,368,369,545 & 808-2022 in Comp. App. (AT) (CH) (Ins.) No. 158 of 2022   Allowed
01 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Shibu Job Cheeran, & Ors. vs. Ashok Velamur Seshadri, Liquidator of Archana Motors Limited IA No.727-2021 in Company Appeal (AT) (CH) (Ins.) No. 350 of 2021   Dismissed
01 Mar, 2023 In the matter of Haravtar Singh Arora, Erstwhile promoter of James Hotel vs. Navneet Gupta, Liquidator of James Hotel & Anr. I.A. No. 507, 511 of 2023 in Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 128 of 2023   Dismissed
28 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Vishal Chelani & Ors. vs. Debashis Nanda RP Bulland Buildtech Pvt. Ltd. Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 991 of 2022   Dismissed
28 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Rajratan Babulal Agarwal Vs State Bank Of India & Anr. [244 of 2023]   Stay Order
28 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Viraman Buildcon and Developers Pvt. Ltd. I.A. 5762-2022 in Company Petition No. (IB) – 2661-ND-2019   Liquidation

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