Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
02 Apr, 2019 In the matter of the Deputy Director Directorate of Enforcement Delhi Vs Axis Bank and Ors CRL. A. 143-2018 and Crl M A 2262-2018   New Delhi
28 Mar, 2019 In the matter of Tata Steel BSL Ltd. Vs. Varsha & Anr. Writ Petition No. 8620 of 2018   Bombay - Nagpur Bench
22 Mar, 2019 In the matter of State of Karnataka and Ors Vs Tiffin Barytes Asbestos and Paints Ltd and Anr WP No. 5002-2019   Karnataka
22 Feb, 2019 In the matter of Liberty House Group PTE Ltd Vs State Bank of India CS (Comm) 1246-2018 and IAs No. 16056-2018 and 16060-2018 AND CS (Comm) 1247-2018 and IAs No.16061-2018 and 16065-2018   New Delhi
31 Jan, 2019 In the matter of Cushman and Wankefield India Private Limited Vs Union of India & Anr WP (C) No. 9883 -2018 CM No. 38508-2018   New Delhi
03 Jan, 2019 In the matter of S V A India Ltd. & Ors. Vs. Paras Rampuria Synthetics Ltd. Company Petition No. 19,24,25,26,28 & 33-1997,1998 & 1999   Rajasthan
18 Dec, 2018 In the matter of Dishnet Wireless Limited and Anr. Vs. The Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax and Anr. [WP Nos. 24097-24098 and W.M.P Nos. 28082-28087 of 2018]   Madras
05 Dec, 2018 In the matter of Vivek Vijay Gupta Vs. Steel Konnect India Pvt. Ltd. Special Civil Application No. 1554-2018   Gujarat
04 Dec, 2018 In the matter of Mrs Jai Rajkumar & Anr Vs Stanbic Bank Ghana Limited & Ors CS (Comm. Div.) D. No. 41408 -2018   Madras
05 Oct, 2018 In the matter of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India Vs State Bank of India & Ors LPA 566-2018   New Delhi

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