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under section 60(1) of the Code makes it clear that the residence of PG is   ` 40,60,147/- towards the MGRs payable by the CD under the licensing
             not taken into consideration when proceedings against the PG are initiated.   agreement and in lieu of which the CD made the payment of ` 17,69,835/-.
             outside India, the jurisdiction shall be before the AA in whose territorial   which was admitted by the AA. The NCLAT observed that section 7 of the
             MXULVGLFWLRQ  WKH  UHJLVWHUHG  RIÀFH  RI  WKH  FRUSRUDWH  SHUVRQ  LV  ORFDWHG   $V   Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 permits the use or enjoyment of
             regards applicability of section 234, it was observed that applicability of   any Intellectual Property Right as a ‘supply of service’. The NCLAT noted
             section 234 arises only in a case where assets or property of PG are situated   that the CD was permitted to use the trademark in relation to its licensed
             at any place in a country outside India.                products, so, there was temporary transfer/permission to use, constituting
                                                                     ‘provision of service’ rendered by the OC and, therefore, it falls within the
             CA Rita Gupta Vs. M/s. Shilpi Cable Technologies Ltd. & Ors.   GHÀQLWLRQ RI VHUYLFH DQG DQ\ DPRXQWV ¶GXH DQG SD\DEOH· DULVLQJ RXW RI VXFK
             [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 10 of 2020]       service is an ‘operational debt’ within the ambit of section 5(21) of the Code.
             The question that arose for consideration was, whether the liquidator
             has the jurisdiction to decide the fee of the RP as the CoC is no longer in   Adjoin Built & Developers Vs. Aditya Kumar & Ors. [Company
             existence? The NCLAT observed that by virtue of section 5(13)(e) of the   Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 769-770 of 2021]
             Code, the fees and expenses incurred by the RP comes under the ambit   7KH DSSHDO LQ WKH FDVH ZDV ÀOHG E\ WKH ,%%, DJDLQVW $$·V RUGHU GLUHFWLQJ WKH
             of insolvency resolution process cost and therefore the liquidator cannot   IBBI not to initiate any enquiry against an IP till further orders, and if any
             adjudicate upon the insolvency resolution process cost. Regulation 34 of the   enquiry is initiated, the same be halted till further directions of the AA. The
             IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations,   NCLAT placed reliance on the SC’s decision in K. Sashidhar v. Indian Overseas
                   &,53 5HJXODWLRQV   VSHFLÀHV WKDW WKH &R& VKDOO À[ WKH H[SHQVHV ZKLFK   Bank & Ors., and its previous orders in the matters of Mohan Gems & Jewels
             are incurred by the RP. The liquidator can only verify and adjudicate the   Pvt. Ltd. v. Vijay Verma & Ors. and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India v.
             FODLPV DV GHÀQHG XQGHU WKH &RGH  7KH IHHV RI DQ 53 FDQQRW EH D ¶FODLP· DV   Shri Rishi Prakash Vats & Ors. and set aside the order of the AA. It held that
             GHÀQHG XQGHU VHFWLRQ      RI WKH &RGH  6LQFH WKH DPRXQW RI IHHV SD\DEOH   neither the Code, nor the rules framed thereunder confer any power to the
             WR DQ 53 LV QRW D ¶FODLP·  WKH VDPH FDQQRW EH GHWHUPLQHG RU YHULÀHG E\ WKH   AA to interfere with the process of inspection and investigation initiated by
             liquidator. It is the AA which has to decide fees in the absence of a CoC and   the Board, nor does it have the power to direct the Board to take or not to
             the RP cannot be directed to prefer a ‘claim’ before the liquidator.  take actions.
             Rakesh Kumar Jain Vs. Jagdish Singh Nain & Ors. [Company Appeal   Sumat Kumar Gupta Vs. Committee of Creditors of M/s Vallabh
             (AT) (Ins.) No. 425 of 2022]                            Textiles Company Ltd. [Company Appeal (AT)(Insolvency) No.1037
             The NCLAT considered the issue, whether AA is competent to pass order   of 2022]
             under section 66 of the Code during the currency of moratorium under   The NCLAT considered the issue whether RP should be given opportunity
             section 14. It held that section 14(1)(a) of the Code interdicts institution   of being heard in case of his replacement? The NCLAT held that the scheme
             of suits and continuation of pending suits and proceedings against the CD   of section 27 of the Code does not indicate that RP is to be made party
             including execution of any judgment decree or order of any court of law,   and is to be issued notice before taking decision to appoint another RP. The
             Tribunal, Arbitration Panel or other authority. Thus, it prohibits institution   NCLAT relied on the judgement of Punjab National Bank v. Kiran Shah, IRP
             and prosecution of any proceedings against the CD but does not prohibit   of ORG Informatics and held that the replacement of RP is complete when
             passing any order by the AA during CIRP or liquidation process against   required decision is taken by the CoC in its meeting with requisite majority
             CD and its suspended directors or related parties. No doubt prohibition is   and held that the erstwhile RP is not entitled for hearing.
             only against the proceedings in any other Courts or Tribunals etc. but not a
             prohibition against passing of any order in the pending CIRP or liquidation   Shri Alok Kaushik, RP of Cheema Spintex Ltd Vs. Cheema Spintex
             process against the CD. On the other hand, section 66 permits the AA to   Ltd & Ors. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No.896 of 2022]
             pass appropriate orders on application of any person when any transaction   7KH LVVXH IRU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ ZDV  ZKHWKHU 53 ZDV MXVWLÀHG LQ FDUU\LQJ RQ &,53
             was entered into fraudulently. Further, the provisions of sections 14 and   and adding to CIRP costs during the pendency of the withdrawal application
             66 are independent, incorporated for different purposes. Section 14 is   under section 12A of the Code. The NCLAT held that since the section 12A
             by execution of the orders, decrees etc. whereas section 66 is intended to   of the CoC, the IRP’s continuance with the CIRP without making adequate
             prevent fraudulent trading or business by CD through its RP or suspended   HIIRUWV WR VHHN SRLQWHG FODULÀFDWLRQ IURP WKH $$ RQ ZKHWKHU WR SURFHHG ZLWK
             directors, during CIRP or liquidation process. These two provisions have to   WKH &,53 RU QRW  GRHV QRW UHÁHFW ZHOO RQ KLV FRQGXFW  ,W REVHUYHG WKDW WKH
             be read independently to achieve the object of the Code.  IRP cannot afford to be unmindful of the fact that he is the driving force and
                                                                     the nerve-center in the resolution process and is expected to assist in the
             Vikas Dahiya Vs. Arrow Engineering Limited & Anr. [Company   CIRP in a fair and objective manner in the best interest of all stakeholders.
             Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 699 of 2022]               Simply by registering presence on each date of hearing before the AA
             The NCLAT held that principle of  res judicata, though a part of Civil   without seeking clear guidance on CIRP modalities cannot in itself become a
             Procedure Code, would be applicable to a proceeding under the Code. This   VXIÀFLHQW JURXQG IRU WKH ,53 WR SURFHHG ZLWK WKH &,53 LQ IXOO WKURWWOH
             or orders, and to avoid an endless litigation to frustrate the very object of   White Stock Limited Vs. Prajay Holdings Private Limited [Company
             enacting the Code. It was further observed that a judgment obtained by   Appeal (AT)(CH) (Ins) No. 271 of 2022 & I.A. Nos. 581 & 582 of
             playing fraud on the AA or judgment or order passed without inherent   2022]
             jurisdiction is non est in the eyes of law and the same can be challenged in a   The question involved in this case was, whether the AA can refer section 7
             collateral or incidental proceeding.                    application for mediation under section 442 of the Companies Act, 2013?
                                                                     Relying upon its judgment in Sodexo India Services Pvt. Ltd. v. Chemizol Additives
             Somesh Choudhary Vs. Knight Riders Sports Private Limited & Anr.   Pvt. Ltd. in which it had held that under section 442 of the Companies Act,
             [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 501 of 2021]      2013, the AA cannot refer the parties to arbitration or mediation for the
             The CD entered into a licensing agreement with the OC, whereby the OC   proceedings pending under the Code, NCLAT set aside the order of AA. It
             granted the license and right to use its trademark on the licensed products   held that once the default is established, the AA does not have the power
             manufactured and sold by the CD, in lieu of Minimum Guaranteed Royalties   to refer the parties to an arbitration, since it becomes an in-rem insolvency
             (MGRs) as compensation. OC raised the invoices for an aggregate sum of   proceedings and held that the proceedings under section 442 of the


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