P. 10

Companies Act, 2013 are limited to the Companies Act, 2013 and not to the   Namdeo Ramchandra Patil & Anr. Vs. Vishal Ghisulal Jain & Anr.
             proceedings under the Code.                             [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 821 of 202]
                                                                     7KH LVVXH IRU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ ZDV ZKHWKHU DOORWPHQW RI ÁDWV DQG FRPPHUFLDO
             Ocean Deity Investment Holdings Ltd. Vs. Suraksha Asset   units to the landowners, by virtue of arrangement between them and the
             Reconstruction Ltd. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 795 of   GHYHORSHU  IDOOV  ZLWKLQ  WKH  GHÀQLWLRQ  RI  ¶ÀQDQFLDO  GHEW·"  7KH  1&/$7  KHOG
             2021 & I.A. No. 1332 of 2022]                           WKDW WKH SURYLVLRQ RI VHFWLRQ      I  OD\V D SUH FRQGLWLRQ IRU ¶ÀQDQFLDO GHEW·
             The order of admission passed by AA was challenged before the NCLAT on   that is disbursement against the time value of money and when any amount
             the grounds of debt being collusive in nature. The NCLAT found that in view   is raised from an allotment under real estate, such transaction is covered
             of the overwhelming evidence and conclusion by statutory bodies which   under section 5(8)(f). The pre-condition for application of explanation (i) of
             DUH LQGHSHQGHQW DJHQFLHV  WKH ÀQDQFLDO WUDQVDFWLRQV KDYH WR EH H[DPLQHG   section 5(8)(f) is raising of an amount from allottee. In the present case, no
             on the touchstone of the ratio laid down by the SC in Phoenix ARC Private   amount has been raised from the landowners/FCs. Hence, it does not make
             Limited v. Spade Financial Services Ltd. & Ors., (2021) 3 SCC 475, wherein   WKH SUHVHQW WUDQVDFWLRQ RI DOORWPHQW RI ÁDWV DQG FRPPHUFLDO XQLWV D ¶ÀQDQFLDO
                                                                     debt’ within the meaning of section 5(8)(f) of the Code.
             the SC has observed that ‘collusive transaction’ does not lead to a creation
             the subject commercial transactions were collusive in nature and do not fall   Prasanth Chandra Rath & Ors Vs. Surya Kanta Satapathy and Ors.
             ZLWKLQ WKH DPELW RI WKH GHÀQLWLRQ RI ¶ÀQDQFLDO GHEW· DQG WKHUHIRUH 6XUDNVKD    [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 869 of 2022 with Company
             WKH $VVLJQHH  FDQQRW EH WHUPHG DV D ¶)&· DV GHÀQHG XQGHU VHFWLRQ       ,W   Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 850 of 2022]
                                                                     6XVSHQGHG GLUHFWRUV RI WKH &' ÀOHG DQ DSSHDO DJDLQVW WKH RUGHU RI $$ WKDW
             observed that – “The chequered history of the loan transactions and collusive
                                                                     held them responsible for the fraudulent and undervalued transactions
             arrangements indulged by Yes Bank demonstrate that the Term Loans disbursed
             in the name of Mack Star is an ‘eye-wash’ and Yes Bank has disbursed these   under section 66 of the Code. The appellants contended that the application
                                                                     ÀOHG E\ WKH 53 ZDV QRW ZLWKLQ WKH WLPH OLPLW SUHVFULEHG XQGHU UHJXODWLRQ
             loans with an ulterior motive. Having observed so, we hold that the Assignment   35A of the CIRP Regulations. Relying on the SC decision in Surendra Trading
             to Suraksha is not a bona fide one, peculiar to the facts of the attendant case and   Company v. Juggilal Kamlapat Jute Mills Company Limited and Ors., the NCLAT
             the loan amounts do not satisfy the essential requisites of a ‘Financial Debt’ as   held that regulation 35A of the CIRP Regulations is not mandatory and the
             envisaged under the Code. This Tribunal observed that the fundamental scope &   requirement for approaching the AA for appropriate relief on or before
             objective of IBC is ‘Resolution’ and ‘Maximization of Assets’ and not ‘Recovery’ of
                                                                     135  day of the ICD is only directory. The NCLAT noted that the delay
             loans which do not strictly fall within the definition of ‘Financial Debt’ as defined
                                                                     was for various reasons like the CIRP having been stalled on the ground
             under Section 5(8) of the Code”.
                                                                     of the appellants’ entering into one-time settlement (OTS) with one of the
                                                                     creditors, lack of cooperation by the suspended directors, delay on the part
             Punjab National Bank Vs. Supriyo Kumar Chaudhuri & Ors.
                                                                     of the CD to furnish requisite documents/registers to the transaction auditor
             [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 657 of 2020]
                                                                     and COVID-19 pandemic.
             The NCLAT considered as to whether margin money deposited by way of
             and whether this margin money can be appropriated by the bank during
             the period of moratorium on the ground that it does not form a part of   Infinity Infotech Parks Limited Vs. Electroparts (India) Private
             WKH DVVHWV RI WKH &'" /& $JUHHPHQWV  LQ WKLV FDVH  VSHFLÀHG WKDW WKH JRRGV   Limited & Anr. [I.A (IBC) No.907 /KB/2021 in C.P. (IB) No. 140/
             and services received by way of the LC transactions would be ‘security’   KB/2021]
             for the whole LC amount including margin money. It was observed that LC   $Q LQWHUORFXWRU\ DSSOLFDWLRQ ZDV ÀOHG E\ WKH VKDUHKROGHU RI WKH &' DJDLQVW
             is akin to a contract of guarantee, as it is a contingent liability of the CD   the FC for obtaining the order of admission on the basis of fraudulent
             REVHUYHG WKDW PDUJLQ PRQH\ KDV WKH FKDUDFWHU RI WKH 7UXVW IRU WKH EHQHÀW   collusion with unknown third parties claiming to represent the CD without
             RI WKH EHQHÀFLDU\ DV ORQJ DV WKH /& LV DOLYH DQG WKH VDPH FDQQRW DPRXQW WR   any authority. Besides, the admission was on the basis of default date being
             an asset of the CD. The NCLAT held that margin money can in no manner   December 15, 2020 which is directly hit by section 10A of the Code. The
             be said to be a ‘security interest’ under section 3(31) of the Code, and the   AA observed that FC and the CD had obtained orders of CIRP fraudulently
             banks having appropriated the said money during the period of moratorium   DQG LQ FRPSOLFLW\ ZLWK HDFK RWKHU E\ ÀOLQJ D FROOXVLYH SHWLWLRQ DQG ODWHU RQ
             LV MXVWLÀHG DV WKH DPRXQW LV QRW DQ DVVHW RI WKH &'     settled the matter by payment of ` 30 lakh through cheques, although given
                                                                     on behalf of the CD by some unknown person, were not encashed by the
             Reliance Commercial Finance Ltd. Vs. Darode Jog Builder Pvt. Ltd.   FC. In view of the glaringly fraudulent actions committed by FC and CD
                                                                     thereby committed fraud on the Tribunal in terms of section 65 of the Code,
             [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 1005 of 2022]
                                                                     the AA imposed penalty of ` 50 lakh on FC and terminated the CIRP. Further
             The AA allowed the request of the CD to pay the debt of FC within 45 days   the matter was referred to the Central Government.
             and has also granted liberty to the FC to continue with section 7 application
             if the amount is not paid within 45 days. FC challenged this order as it had   Yadubir Singh Sajwan & Ors. Vs. M/s. Som Resorts Private Limited
             expressed its unwillingness to settle the matter and the course adopted by
                                                                     [Company Petition No. (IB)-67(ND)/2022]
             the AA is impermissible. The NCLAT dismissed the appeal of the FC. It held
                                                                     In this real estate project case, petitioners deposited the money with the
             that the AA has only given an opportunity to the CD to deposit the entire
             GHIDXOWHG DPRXQW IRU ZKLFK VHFWLRQ   DSSOLFDWLRQ ZDV ÀOHG ZLWKLQ    GD\V   marketing agency (also a corporate entity) of CD on the strength of a builder
                                                                     buyer agreement whereby the home buyers to be given possession of the
             with liberty, reserved to the FC to revive the section 7 application in event   units within 36 months from the date of commencement of the construction
             the amount is not deposited. It observed that – “In event, in consequence   of the project. However, CD neither delivered the possession of the units nor
             of the Order of the Adjudicating Authority, the Corporate Debtor deposits the   refunded the money deposited by the home buyers with marketing agency
             entire defaulted amount whether still the Adjudicating Authority was required   of CD. Subsequently, a memorandum of settlement was executed between
             to necessarily admit the Section 7 Application. The answer would be obviously
                                                                     the CD, its marketing agency and the homebuyers, on the assurance of the
             no. When the Corporate Debtor has complied to deposit the entire defaulted   CD to construct the project within 18 months from the date of handing
             amount of the Financial Creditor as permitted by the Adjudicating Authority, no   RYHU RI WKH SURSHUW\ E\ WKH RIÀFLDO OLTXLGDWRU DQG LW ZDV DJUHHG WR UHIXQG WKH
             purpose and occasion shall survive to still proceed with the Insolvency Resolution   entire amount along with an interest to the home buyers in case of failure to
             of the Corporate Debtor”.                               complete the project.

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