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legal authority, altogether, the AA is bound to reject the resolution plan.   of claim due to the applicant by condoning the delay of 936 days in claiming
             If a company is unable to pay its debts, which should include its statutory   WKH GXHV XQGHU WKH (PSOR\HHV 3URYLGHQW )XQGV   0LVFHOODQHRXV 3URYLVLRQV
             dues to the government and/or other authorities and there is no plan which   Act, 1952. In appeal against AA order of rejection of such application, the
             contemplates dissipation of those debts in a phased manner, the company   NCLAT held that the law of limitation being harsh, will affect a litigant, but it
             would necessarily have to be liquidated and its assets sold and distributed in   has to be pressed into service with all its vigour and rigour. An unpardonable
             the manner stipulated in section 53 of the Code. Under section 53(1)(b)(ii),   lackadaisical approach / attitude of the party in pursuing a matter before
             the debts owed to a secured creditor, which would include the State under   the Tribunal is not to be accepted. An application for condonation of delay
             WKH *9$7 $FW  DUH WR UDQN HTXDOO\ ZLWK RWKHU VSHFLÀHG GHEWV LQFOXGLQJ GHEWV   undoubtedly creates a jurisdictional fetter against consideration of tangible /
             on account of workmen’s dues for a period of 24 months preceding the   substantive matter on merits. While dismissing the appeal, it was observed
             liquidation commencement date. The State is a secured creditor under the   that just because the appellant is a statutory organisation, no indulgence or
             *9$7 $FW  6HFWLRQ       RI WKH &RGH GHÀQHV VHFXUHG FUHGLWRU WR PHDQ D   latitude can be shown, since the law applies to one and all in a level playing
             creditor in favour of whom security interest is created. Such security interest   ÀHOG  7KH RIÀFLDOV PXVW DFW ZLWK DV PXFK GLOLJHQFH DV LV H[SHFWHG IURP D
             could be created by operation of law.                   litigant.
             Tech Sharp Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Sanghvi Movers Limited [Civil   Mr. Prashat Agarwal Vs. Vikash Parasrampuria & Anr. [Company
             Appeal No. 296 of 2020]                                 Appeal (AT) (Ins) No. 690 of 2022]
             The SC observed that proceedings in good faith before a forum which   The issue of maintainability of application on the grounds of threshold limit,
             lacks jurisdiction may save limitation. Similarly, acknowledgment of liability   came up for consideration. In this case, out of nine invoices raised by the
             may have the effect of commencing a fresh period of limitation. The SC   OC, the CD had paid only three. The AA admitted the section 9 application
             noted that in the instant case, the last acknowledgment was in 2013 and the   for initiation of CIRP. The admission order was challenged on the grounds
             0DGUDV +& ZKHUHLQ WKH ZLQGLQJ XS SURFHHGLQJV DJDLQVW WKH &' ZHUH ÀOHG   that principal amount of debt is only  ` 97,87,220/- which is below the
             on July 4, 2015 and there is continuous cause of action, the claim is within the   prescribed threshold limit. The NCLAT noted that all nine invoices clearly
             period of limitation and did not suffer from any defect of jurisdiction. It held   stipulated provision of interest on delayed payment, this will entitle for ‘right
             WKDW WKH SHQGHQF\ RI WKH SURFHHGLQJV LQ 0DGUDV +&  ÀOHG E\ WKH RSHUDWLRQDO   to payment’ as per section 3(6) and will form part of ‘debt’ under section
             FUHGLWRU  2&   VDYHV WKH OLPLWDWLRQ IRU ÀOLQJ DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ XQGHU VHFWLRQ     3(11) of the Code. It held that the interest on delayed payment gets included
             of the Code.                                            with the principal debt to form part of the total claim.
             Maitreya Doshi Vs. Anand Rathi Global Finance Ltd. and Anr. [Civil   Pooja Finlease Ltd. Vs. Auto Needs (India) Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. [Company
             Appeal No. 6613 of 2021]                                Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 103 of 2022]
             Relying on its decision in Lalit Kumar Jain v. Union of India, the SC held that   The NCLAT held that as one of the clauses in the settlement terms
             the approval of a resolution in respect of one borrower cannot certainly   contemplated revival of CIRP in the event of any breach of the terms on the
             discharge a co-borrower under the Code. If there are two borrowers or if   part of CD, the FC is entitled to revive the section 7 application in event of
             two corporate bodies fall within the ambit of CDs, there is no reason why   any breach of the settlement terms.
             proceedings under section 7 of the Code cannot be initiated against both
             the CDs. If the dues are realised in part from one CD, the balance may be   Dolphin Vintrade Private Limited Vs. Ashray Vyapaar Private
             realised from the other CD being the co-borrower. Once the claim of the   Limited & Anr. [Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No 320 of 2022
             FC is discharged, there can be no question of recovery of the claim twice.  & I.A. No. 1066 & 1082 of 2022]
                                                                     Order of admission passed by the AA in a section 7 application, was
             High Court                                              challenged on the grounds that CD was already under liquidation in terms
                                                                     of the provisions of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act,
             Vishnu Oil Mill Private Ltd. Vs. Union of India & Ors. [D.B. Civil Writ   1986. The NCLAT while allowing the appeal and setting aside the admission
             Petition No. 2507/2022]                                 order observed that CD was in liquidation and all its assets were custodial
             The question for consideration was, whether a group of FCs can jointly   legis (in the custody of the law) and in the control and possession of the
             trigger CIRP without adhering to the requirement of default threshold of   RIÀFLDO  OLTXLGDWRU   :KHQ  OLTXLGDWLRQ  SURFHVV  KDV  FRPPHQFHG  ZD\  EDFN  LQ
             ` 1 crore in individual capacity? The Rajasthan HC observed that section   1997, how the default could have been committed by the CD? It held that
             7 clearly stipulates that the application for triggering CIRP may be initiated by   although, pendency of winding-up petition before the HC may not preclude
             a FC either individually or jointly with other FCs. It can easily be envisaged   ÀOLQJ RI VHFWLRQ   DSSOLFDWLRQ  EXW  ZKHQ WKHUH DUH YDULRXV RUGHUV SDVVHG
             that in cases of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), there may   by Company Judge, which has relevance and consequence on section
             not exist FCs whose individual debt is ` 1 crore or above. It held that the   7 application, the orders passed in company petition ought to have been
             statute and the amendment made therein makes it clear that the same   adverted by the AA before admitting the application. The NCLAT imposed
             redressal to the smaller FCs and to give them an opportunity of availing
             the speedy remedy under the Code rather than being relegated to other   Sudip Dutta Vs. State Bank of India [Company Appeal (AT)
             onerous proceedings for securing their money. Therefore, a group of FCs   (Insolvency) No. 807 of 2021]
             FDQ  FRQYHUJH  DQG  MRLQ  KDQGV  WR  WRXFK  WKH  ÀQDQFLDO  OLPLW  RI  ` 1 crore as   The issues for consideration before the NCLAT in this case were, whether
             stipulated under the Code so as to initiate a CIRP.     a personal guarantee stands extinguished, once the personal guarantor (PG)
                                                                     DFTXLUHV IRUHLJQ FLWL]HQVKLS DIWHU H[HFXWLRQ RI JXDUDQWHH GHHG  DQG ZKHWKHU
             NCLAT                                                   the Central Government was required under section 234 of the Code to
                                                                     enter into agreement for expediting the matter against the PG. The NCLAT
             The Regional Provident Fund Commissioner Employees Provident   ZKLOH GLVPLVVLQJ WKH DSSHDO ÀOHG DJDLQVW RUGHU RI $$ DGPLWWLQJ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ
             Fund Organisation Vs. Mr. Vasudevan Resolution Professional &   against the PG, observed that the statutory scheme of the Code does not
             Liquidator of M/s. Titanium Tantalum Products Limited [Company
                                                                     contain any indication that the PG of a CD can escape from its liability under
             Appeal (AT) (CH) (INS) No. 182 of 2022 & IA No. 415 of 2022]   the personal guarantee deed merely on the ground that he is now residing
             application before the AA seeking an order in directing the RP to make   PRUH DQ ,QGLDQ FLWL]HQ  DV WKLV ZLOO DOORZ VXFK 3*V WR ZDVK RII IURP WKHLU
             provision in the IM and corresponding resolution plan if any, for the payment   obligation under the guarantee deed. It further observed that the provision


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