Date Subject
Dec, 2020 Self-Correcting One's Way Out of Post-Covid Economic Crisis - The Daily Guardian  
Dec, 2020 The economic fallout of Covid-19: A case of deja vu? - The Daily Guardian  
Nov, 2020 Resolvability: A ‘Living Will’ for Companies- In IBBI Newsletter Jul-Sep, 2020  
Oct, 2020 Driving Successful Resolutions through IBC - In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Liquidator’s Claims against Exclusion Clauses in Contracts - In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Building a Personal Insolvency Framework Fresh Start and Beyond - In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Mediation in Insolvency Matters - In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Cross Border Insolvency -A Case to Cross the Border Beyond the UNCITRAL-In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Insolvency Reforms -A Road Under Construction- In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Social Ramifications of Bankruptcy Law- In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Deeming Provisions in the Indian Insolvency Law- In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 A Study of Insolvency Professionals in India- In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Oct, 2020 Theoretical Framework of Insolvency Law- In Publication: Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regime in India A Narrative  
Sep, 2020 Inspection of Service Providers - An Insight - The Taxmann  
Sep, 2020 IBC - The Subtle Art of Resolving Insolvency - The Prime Directory 2020  
Sep, 2020 Insolvency Law in Times of Covid-19-In IBBI Newsletter Apr-Jun, 2020  
Aug, 2020 The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code– Not a Brittle Framework - in the India Law Journal  
Jul, 2020 Indian Insolvency Law. Vikapla, the Journal for Decision Makers, IIM Ahmedabad  
May, 2020 The Art of Value Maximisation in CIRP-In IBBI Newsletter JAN-MAR, 2020  
Mar, 2020 The real Reform- In Indian Express