CIN No | L70100HR1994PLC036433 |
Name of the Corporate Debtor | VIKAS PROPPANT & GRANITE LIMITED |
Process Initiated | CIRP |
Name of the Applicant | Rajkumar Garg, Proprietor of Garg Trading Company |
Sector of business of CD | REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES |
Name | Registration No. | Appointed As |
Mr. Arpan Maheshkumar Shah | IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P01847/2019-2020/12862 | RP |
Naresh Kumar Aggarwal | IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P-02116/2020-2021/13274 | RP |
Naresh Kumar Aggarwal | IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P-02116/2020-2021/13274 | IRP |