Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
17 Feb, 2023 In the matter or RBSA Valuation Advisors LLP, RV   Order of Whole Time Member
17 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Vivek Raheja, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
16 Feb, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of Mohit Rasiklal Mehta   Order of FAA
15 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Anurag Kumar Sinha, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
15 Feb, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of Mohit Rasiklal Mehta   Order of FAA
15 Feb, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of Mohit Rasiklal Mehta   Order of FAA
14 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Viswanathan Sankaran,IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
08 Feb, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of Ms. Rashmi Singhal   Order of FAA
03 Feb, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Manish Gupta, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
31 Jan, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of ADV Menon   Order of FAA