Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
31 Oct, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Ramit Rastogi, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
31 Oct, 2023 In the matter of RTI appeal of K. C. Bhargava   Order of FAA
20 Oct, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of Ganesan Shanmugam   Order of FAA
09 Oct, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Kamal Agarwal, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
06 Oct, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Vishva Deep Sharma, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
29 Sep, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Venkata Krishna Srinivasa Raju Penmetsa, RV   Appeal under Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017
29 Sep, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Dhaval Jitendrakumar Mistry, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
19 Sep, 2023 In the matter of RTI Appeal of UV Rao   Order of FAA
13 Sep, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Partha Sarathy Sarkar, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee
05 Sep, 2023 In the matter of Mr. Vishal Pawankumar Bidawatjika, IP   Order of Disciplinary Committee