Orders Date Subject Orders Remarks
22 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Bishal Jaiswal Vs. Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd. & Anr., Company Appeal (AT) (Ins.) No. 385 of 2020   Others
21 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Committee of Creditors of LEEL Electricals Ltd. Through State Bank of India Vs. Leel Electricals Ltd. Through its Interim Resolution Professional, Arvind Mittal CA (AT) (Ins) No. 1100 of 2020   Irp Replacement
21 Dec, 2020 In the matter of GABS Megacorp Ltd. Vs. Sutanu Sinha and Anr. CA(AT)(Ins)No. 1026 of 2020 with CA (AT) (Ins.) 1027 of 2020   Exclusion Of Time
21 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Kishore Katare Vs. Bank of India and Anr. CA(AT)(Ins) No. 693 of 2020   Dismissed
18 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Mr Rajnish Jain Vs. Anupam Tiwari and Ors. CA(AT)(Ins) no. 519 of 2020   Observation
18 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Ms. KVR Industries Private Limited Vs. P. P. Bafna Ventures Private Limited CA(AT)(Ins)No. 626 of 2020   Others
18 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Sh. Rajendra Narottamdas Sheth Vs. Sh. Chandra Prakash Jain and Ors CA(AT)(Ins)No. 621 of 2020   Others
16 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Volkswagen Financ Pvt. Ltd. vs. Zenica Cars India Pvt. Ltd. and another case CA(AT)(Ins)No. 1072 of 2020 CA (AT) (Ins) No.1074 of 2020   Others
16 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Mohan Lal Jain, In the capacity of Liquidator of Kaliber Associates Pvt. Ltd. vs. Lalit Modi & Ors. CA(AT)(Ins)No. 944 of 2020   Others
15 Dec, 2020 In the matter of Bhim Sain Goyal vs. The American Swan Lifestyle Co, Pvt. Ltd. (Under CIRP) CA(AT)(Ins)No. 1067 of 2020   Exclusion Of Time

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