Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 28/12/2001 30/09/2011 DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF QUALITY ASSURANCE, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, Govt of India, AFRICA AVENUE, NEW DELHI GR B OFFICIAL Dealt in matters of HR Management. Liaised and coordinated in divisions of Armaments and Administration in attached Units/Establishments across the country. Handled implementation of time-bound projects for quality check and assurance.
2 01/10/2011 11/03/2015 DGAFMS, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, Govt of IndiaAFRICA AVENUE, NEW DELHI ASSTT DIRECTOR Personnel Management, Coordination, Legal, Budgetary Management, Grievance Redressal. In charge of Procurement of goods and services and coordination with the stakeholders.
3 12/03/2015 10/03/2016 Govt of India,MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, DGAFMS, AFRICA AVENUE, NEW DELHI DY DIRECTOR Coordination, Personnel Management, Legal, Budgetary Management, Procurement & Logistics. Handled Infrastructure Projects and was In charge of CPGRAMS too.
4 11/03/2016 12/03/2019 DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUNAL, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, Govt of IndiaDRT-I, SECTOR-17, CHANDIGARH RECOVERY OFFICER Legal, Quasi-Judicial, HR Management & Administration. Delivered judgements in recovery/NPA cases. Also Performed as Drawing and Disbursing Officer, Central Public Information Officer & Member of Committee of Outsourcing Recruitment.
5 13/03/2019 02/10/2022 Govt of India,MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, IHQ, NEW DELHI DY DIRECTOR Legal, Administrative Management, Industrial Relations. In Charge of Legal cases in Tribunals, High Courts, Supreme Court representing Union of India. Handling Personnel Management along with the Joint Consultative Machinery/Industrial Relations with respect to civilian employees/industrial workers across the country in defence establishments.