Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 20/07/2010 28/08/2022 CS Ramakrishna Kurra [Proprietorship-ICSI Unique Code: I2010AP755700], Rky and Associates, Company Secretaries, [Partnership-ICSI Unique Code: P2014AP036300] Corporate Governance and Administration, Company Secretarial Practice, Regulatory Reporting, Corporate Compliance Management, Independent Audit and Assurance including Secretarial Audit, IPR, Valuation [Financial Assets-SFA], Insolvency and Bankruptcy Matters, Judicial and Quasijudicial Representations, Corporate Legal Advisory, Corporate Arbitration and Negotiation