Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 01/08/2016 31/05/2019 SBI Chief General Manager, SBI Kerala Circle Management of SBI's entire Kerala State Operations
2 01/03/2016 31/07/2016 SBI Chief General Manager Balancel Sheet Management of the Bank
3 01/06/2013 29/02/2016 SBI Regional Head and CEO SBI South Africa ln charge of SBI's African operations
4 01/09/2011 31/05/2013 SBI CEO SBI London ln Charge of SBl, London Operations
5 01/12/2010 31/08/2011 SBI Deputy General Manager Personal Banking Business Development of Mumbai Circle of the tsank
6 01/12/2009 30/11/2010 SBI Deputy General Manager Gold Banking Businesi Development of the Bank
7 01/08/2008 30/11/2009 SBI Deputy General Manager Personal Banking Business Development
8 01/06/2007 31/07/2008 SBI Asst General Manager (SME) SME Business Development
9 01/06/2004 31/05/2007 SBI Asst. General Manager Controller of 45 branches of the Bank in a Region.
10 01/01/2021 31/05/2004 SBI Asst General Manager Handling High Value Advances
11 01/06/1999 31/05/2002 SBI Chief Manager Handling High Value Advances/SME/Agri Advances
12 01/12/1997 31/05/1999 SBI Manager and Credit Analyst Handling High Value Advances
13 01/07/1994 30/11/1997 SBI Manager and Credit Analyst Handling High Value advances
14 01/07/1993 30/06/1994 SBI Capital Markets Ltd Dealer Money Market Operations Deputation to SBI's subsidiary SBI Capital Markets Ltd handling money market o pe ratio ns
15 01/06/1991 30/06/1993 SBI Branch Manager Branch Head
16 01/01/1989 31/05/1991 SBI Credit Appraisal Officer Credit Appraisal Department, SBl, Local Head Office, Chennai -High value loan appraisals
17 01/12/1985 31/12/1988 State Bank of India (SBI) Project Officer Mechanisation Department, SBl, Local Head Office, Chennai -Com puterisation Projects
18 09/12/1983 30/11/1985 State Bank of India (SBI) Probationary Officer During this period he has been posted to Vellore Branch, Salem SME Branch, Ernakulam Branch, Madurai ADB, Thiruv'ananthapuram branch for Training in various o perations