Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 01/04/2017 30/11/2017 ICICI Bank Jaipur Chief Manager-II Staff accountability and Disciplinary Action Legal cases of staff conciliation proceedings statutory compliance and dealing with Regulators
2 13/08/2010 31/03/2017 ICICI Bank HRMG Jaipur Chief Manager-I Staff accountability and Disciplinary Action Legal cases of staff conciliation proceedings statutory compliance and dealing with Regulators
3 01/04/2004 12/08/2010 The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd Law deptt Jaipur Asset management Corp Office Mubai Regional Office Mumbai Corp Admn Corp Office Mumbai Surat Rajkot and Disciplinary Action Deptt Jaipur Chief Manager Branch Head , Head of Depptt, Recovery of stressed assets
4 01/04/1994 31/03/2004 The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd Fort Mumbai International Banking Jaipur Asset Management and Law deptt Central Office Jaipur Senior Manager Credit and recovery of stressed assets
5 21/07/1984 01/04/1994 The Bank of Rajastha Ltd Bangalore chennai Bani Park Jaipur Regional Office Mumbai Asstt Manager Deputy Manager Credit assessment and monitoring
6 09/04/1979 21/07/1984 The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd Gangapur City MIRoad Jaipur Clerk Entire Branch work