Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 12/11/1984 26/12/1993 Punjab National Bank Retail Banking Branch, Dharamsala and Bilaspur Routine Banking
2 27/12/1993 29/10/2000 Punjab National Branch Retail Banking Branch, Pune (Incumbent) Routine Banking
3 30/10/2000 23/07/2006 Punjab National Branch Retail Banking Branch, Mumbai (Incumbent) Routine Banking
4 24/07/2006 31/01/2010 Punjab National Bank Asset Recovery Management Branch, Mumbai (Incumbent) Recovery
5 01/02/2010 31/12/2015 Punjab National Bank Mid Corporate Branch, Noida (Incumbent) Credit
6 01/01/2016 31/05/2017 Punjab National Bank Zonal Audit Office, Shimla (Incumbent) Audit