Insolvency Professionals

Work Experience

SL. No. From Date To Date Employment Practice Area of Work
Name & Address of Employer Designation Advocate / CA / CS / CMA Name of Firm & Firm Registration Number, if applicable
1 01/11/2014 30/06/2017 Bank Of India, General Manager NA Corporate Credit, CDR, Credit monitoring
2 01/04/2012 31/10/2014 Bank Of India, Deputy General Manager NA Divisional Manager Mid Corporate, Eastern Zone and Zonal manager- Ahmedabad Zone and Deputy General Manager , Credit at HO
3 01/04/2009 31/03/2012 Bank Of India Asstt. General Manager NA Branch Manager - Ahmedabad Large Corporate Branch and Mumbai Mid Corporate branch
4 01/05/2005 31/03/2009 Bank Of India, Chief Manager Credit and Tech. Appraisal NA Credit and recovery Management and Technical Appraisal
5 05/08/1981 30/04/2005 Bank Of India, Technical Officer NA Techno Economic Appraisal of Industrial projects