The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), in association with FCDO UK organises a virtual session on ‘Regulation, Investigations and Disciplinary Actions against Insolvency Practitioners’

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), in association with FCDO UK organises a virtual session on ‘Regulation, Investigations and Disciplinary Actions against Insolvency Practitioners’

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), in association with FCDO UK organises a virtual session on ‘Regulation, Investigations and Disciplinary Actions against Insolvency Practitioners’

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI), in association with FCDO UK organised a virtual session on ‘Regulation, Investigations and Disciplinary Actions against Insolvency Practitioners’ on 31st March 2023. During the session, the speakers threw light on the role of Recognised Professional Bodies in UK, Process of regulating the conduct of an Insolvency Practitioner, Parameters for initiating the process of investigation, Timelines and process adopted for initiating investigation against the IPs, Investigations process followed in UK against IPs, Constitution of the committee including the qualification of the members and powers conferred on them through the rules, Disciplinary Actions taken against the IPs in light of the code of conduct, Whether the order passed by the committee can be appealed before any forum, Mechanism for filing appeals by the IP along with the specified timelines, Action against frivolous appeals etc.