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(Filing under clause (ca) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 13 the IBBI (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 (Amount in Rs)
Sl.No. Category of Creditor Summary of Claims Received Summary of Claims Admitted Amount of Contingent Claims Amount of Claim Not Admitted Amount of Claims under Verification Details in Annexure (Only PDF) Remarks, if any
No. of Claims Amount No. of Claims Amount of claims admitted % Share in Total Amount of Claims Admitted
1 Secured financial creditors belonging to any class of creditors
2 Unsecured financial creditors belonging to any class of creditors
3 Secured financial creditors (other than financial creditors belonging to any class of creditors) NA
4 Unsecured financial creditors (other than financial creditors belonging to any class of creditors) NA
5 Operational creditors (Workmen)
6 Operational creditors (Employees)
7 Operational creditors (Government Dues) NA
8 Operational creditors (other than Workmen and Employees and Government Dues) NA
9 Other creditors, if any, (other than financial creditors and operational creditors) NA
Total 100.00